Why It’s Totally Okay to Hate Social Media

Kristina H
7 min readAug 8, 2018

By allowing us to “connect” and share our lives, it has stripped away our ability to communicate and be real.

Photo by Elijah O’Donell on Unsplash

I am just like everyone else, when it comes to starting my day — scrolling through my phone. This may come across as though I am being hypocritical, but I have a certain loathing for Facebook and Instagram. Yes, I am on both. And yes, I scroll through them both daily.

Lately I have been noticing, however, that everything I see makes me have feelings that I am uncomfortable with. It’s not jealousy, and it’s not bitterness. It is a kind of feeling of contempt. A contempt for the artificial happiness that many of my “friends” post, in order to give all of us a peek into their lives.

On one hand, it’s refreshing seeing everyone enjoying their summer vacations; out boating, camping, exploring and the like. But, come on! No one is ALWAYS that happy! I am glad to see all of the smiles as children are hanging with their parents and soaking up the sunshine, but we all know that it’s not ALL games and hiking and splashing in the pool.

Both Facebook and Instagram are full of fake posts and fake news.

I assume the same of Twitter as well, but I am never on there. It gives me too much anxiety.



Kristina H

Writer of relationships / early childhood and mental health . Poetry and fiction dabbler