Admit it. You swear sometimes.
I heard on a radio talk show this morning that the average person swears, mostly using the F bomb, at least once a day by 10:50 am. I am not sure where this statistic came from, but for myself, I believe its true. By that time, most people have dealt with traffic, spilled coffee, noticed that they are submitting late reports, stock market information has started to come out, and children are making them mental. People have started their day; have possibly gotten shampoo in their eyes, been woken up by an annoying alarm clock and have started their work assignments.
So, it DOES make sense.
When I was a child, if my mom said Fuck, we ran! We knew we were in trouble. It usually took her a long time to actually spit out the entire word..she would start with Ffffffffffffffffff…..and EVENTUALLY would get to the UCK part. As soon as we heard the UCK part, we ran away, holding our bottoms, just in case she caught up to us. I used to wonder why it was so difficult for her to say, when our father used the word in every other sentence.
In grade 1, I remember my sister, who is 6 years older than me, thought it would be funny to write “fuck” on a bookmark that was in my Reader. Our teacher specifically warned us, “Do not write in the books or on the bookmarks because someone else will be using your books in…