Member-only story
The Day I Felt Like a Shitty Human
But Took Back my Life
We all have them (well, most of us); the friends that NEED support from you. They need to bounce ideas and feelings off of you, and they need you to listen intently to them.
I have always been the “listener’, the “support system” and the ONE to go to in a crisis. I have always had the ability to take a step back and allow my friends to tell me about their situations, from beginning to end, all the while ticking through possible solutions in my head.
In some cases, a few of my friends will actually rely HEAVILY on my advice or feedback on situations and drama. I am one of the first people they text or call to go for wine, or coffee, just to vent. There have been times when I listen to them for hours and multiple glasses of wine. I leave my car parked and take a taxi home and my friend feels better the next day (except for the wine induced headache). But, this is/was typically my “role” as a friend. I am the problem solver and feedback provider. Sometimes I don’t even give them the answer, but help them to conjure it up on their own, just through venting. Is it a gift? Maybe. Is it a curse? At times, very much so.
Closing in on 50 years old, I have more experiences than most of my 40 something friends. My daughter is an adult with a good head on her shoulders, I live in an…