This may seem to be a very “general statement”, but hear me out.
I was reading about the pending nuptials of the newest Royal couple today, and it made my non royal blood boil. The newest princess, Miss Meghan Markle’s half brother is causing some shit in the upcoming wedding, and from what I understand, her family is not even invited to probably the most significant “event” of 2018. Why? Because of family dysfunction. Because of ENVY.
From what I gather from all of the latest tabloid rumors and overall snickering and guffawing of the poor princess, she comes from a family of drama, envy and jealousy, that this “brother” is willing to publicize, in order to attempt to stop the wedding! …..Seriously? What would make someone so jealous or envious that they are willing to try and ruin someone’s life, love and relationship? No one cares what the princess did in her past, and no one should believe the articles that are available on social media unless the princess herself confirms what happened between her and her father. Further to this, I like to believe, in my romantic mind, that the Royal couple are in LOVE with each other, first and foremost, and if they can wade through the shit and survive today’s way of marriage, GOOD ON THEM. In all honesty, I am not a Royal follower, and really don’t care who Charles and Diana’s children marry, but it makes a point come to mind.