How Politicians Become Politically Incorrect

Kristina H
5 min readSep 6, 2018
The Toronto Star

Politicians… Leaders among us. The men and woman who have input and opinions and power in our Countries.

We love to hate them/ We hate to love them. Mostly we become enraged by them or we sit and nod quietly to ourselves as we watch endless press conferences and news pieces on them.

We judge them and we have high expectations from them. They disappoint us and they give us hope-sometimes all within one 5 minute dialogue on the TV screen.

But, WHY do they always make us question them? Why are we so affected by everything that they say, whether it’s truth or lies? How do they manage to drive us all to the point of insanity?

Because of our world of Social Media.

Human beings have these new ways of creating chaos among each other. We have a new way of judging and pointing fingers at one another, and a new way to make lies become truths and truths become lies.

I am not saying that Social Media is “NEW”. But, if you think about the passed Presidents and Prime Ministers of the world, they were not as driven by the Memes and the Fake News, the Facebook rants and raves, the Twitter posts or even by the bullshit press that spreads like wildfire among web pages.



Kristina H

Writer of relationships / early childhood and mental health . Poetry and fiction dabbler