I was tagged by Iva Ursano awhile ago, to disclose 10 quirks about me.
It has taken some time to feel bold and comfortable enough to share, as I tend to NOT talk about my weirdness often.
Hopefully, after reading about my oddities, we can still be friends.
In no particular order, here we go:
- I am obsessed with the color RED- Anything and everything in life should be red. My car, my decor, and everything around me is chosen immediately if it’s red. “Oh, It comes in RED? Then it MUST be purchased.
- I have a strange Blood Disorder called Von Willibrand Factor -It is like Hemophilia for women. Bruises and cuts take forever to heal and don’t even get me started on how menstrual cycles almost literally killed me.
- I have a weird eye- Sometimes it has a mind of it’s own and appears to be looking elsewhere. It has yet to be called anything, by diagnosis or definition by an optometrist, so I am assuming that when I see one, they think I am already aware that I know I have a “Lazy eye” or some shit. It still works and that’s the main thing.
- I have two toes stuck together on my left foot- Don’t judge. Unless you really look at my feet for whatever reason, you can’t tell. It takes me a LONG time when I first meet anyone, to allow them to…